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Laser Treatments

Elite+ Laser (Hair Removal)

This treatment involves the removal of unwanted facial or body hair with laser light. Laser hair removal is pain-free, safe even for sensitive skin, and highly effective too.

Elite+ Laser (Hair Removal)
Revlite Laser

Revlite Laser

RevLite laser treatments are non-invasive methods of stimulating collagen, reducing pore size, demising wrinkles, and hiding the appearance of acne scars. It works on skin pigments, such as freckles and sun/liver spots.

Carbon laser

This is a revolutionary, non-invasive, painless with virtually no-downtime procedure that helps rejuvenate the appearance of aging and damaged skin. It gently removes the top layer of skin, leaving an amazing glow with a vibrant, youthful complexion.

Carbon laser
Tattoo Removal

Tattoo Removal

Lasers remove the tattoos by breaking up the pigment colors with a high-intensity light beam.

Fractional Laser

Fractional laser treatment is used for the treatment of facial lines and wrinkles (rhytides), sun damage, skin pigmentation associated with photoaging, Surgical and acne scarring etc. It is a type of laser skin resurfacing procedure that targets a portion (or fraction) of a skin at a time.

Fractional Laser
Cold peeling – Chemical Front

Cold peeling – Chemical Front

It is effective in treating hyper pigmentation disorder, melisma, blotchy, and scarred skin. It is a unique multi-ingredient chemical treatment designed to reduce discoloration or hyperpigmentation on the skin, and also works on improving skin texture.